Exam procedure


The Listening part of this test is audio-visual.

Candidates watch an extract from an actual news report/documentary/presentation and then answer questions on what they saw and heard.
The answers to the questions should be in full sentences up to 30 words for B1-B2 levels and up to 50 words for C1 – C2 levels.

In the Writing part of this test candidates are asked to produce one written piece choosing between two topics.

The topics of the two tasks will range from travelling experiences to environmental issues, technology, personality descriptions, social issues etc.

Classic thematic selection:

  • The Internet: Computer Technology, Gadgets, Websites etc
  • Technology
  • The environment
  • The TV, advertising & Media Influences
  • Crime & Violence
  • Famous People: Actors, Singers, Sportsmen, Businessmen, Politicians, Performers etc.
  • Personalities: Relatives, Teachers, Friends
  • Educational issues,
  • Health related issues e.g. Healthy Dieting & Sports
  • Arts & Crafts: Leisure Time Activities
  • Professions etc.

The written tasks might be in the form of an essay, an article, an informal or formal letter

General Instructions to Candidates:

  • Write in ink only – Do not use pencils

B1 Level Students will have to write at least 120 words
B2 Level Students will have to write at least 150 words
C1 Level Students will have to write at least 200 words
C2 Level Students will have to write at least 250 words

The GVR (Grammar – Vocabulary – Reading) Section of the Test comprises of the following parts:

  • 10 sentences: candidates will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge regarding English Grammar, in the form of multiple-choice questions.
  • One text in which candidates will be asked to correct the mistakes marked in red. (10 cases)
  • One text in which candidates will be asked to choose the correct answer out of two choices. (10 choices)
  • One text in which candidates will be asked to fill in each gap with the correct word from a given list. (10 gaps)
  • One Text in which candidates will be asked to answer to 5 topic-related questions.

In the Speaking Section of the Test the candidates are examined individually. This section comprises of the following parts:

The ice-breaking process – candidates talk about themselves and are also asked questions by the examiner. (2 min)

b) Main Task 1: The candidates will have to present a Film or Theatrical Play they saw – with deeper meaning – Presentation & analysis
The examiner will ask additional questions relevant to the topic just analyzed. (3-4 min)

c) Main Task 2: The candidates are given a topic with prompts. The objective is to talk about the subject ‘inspired’ by the prompts and the questions asked by the examiner. The emphasis here should be on ‘real’ communication with the examiner.

It is not necessary to cover all the suggested ideas – just have a good, natural conversation. (3-4 min )

B1 Level 50% and above

B2 Level 55% and above

C1 Level 60% and above

C2 Level 65% and above